
Oil on Canvas
16 x 20

IMG_3960 2.jpeg

Encaustic on Panel
16 x 20


Art As Storytelling

My inspiration, process, and unique voice creates a visual narrative that transcends the confines of language. I am inspired by all kinds of light, natural and artificial, and its varying values which often evokes a shift in emotion; an experience that I have a deep desire to communicate. Visually, this inspiration translates into multi-sensory art that tells a story. By using color, texture, and line for narrative, the story becomes a kaleidoscope rather than a linear progression. My art, as storytelling, signifies a cross-pollination of my education and career as a writer and my passion as an artist. My art also signifies the impact of taking a viewer on a visual journey through an authentic convergence of storytelling and art.

My process is fluid, intuitive, meditative, prayerful, and multi-sensory. It is a process of inner-connection and inter-connection. I stand in my studio, staring at the blank canvas, not sure what will be created. Reaching for the light. Feeling the shift in emotion. As I begin to choose colors and mix it with wax, the painting’s story unfolds and I begin to write in my journal, which is always open next to my easel. Shifting, I go back to my painting. This cadence continues until the painting is finished.


“I found I could say things with colors and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.”

-Georgia O’Keeffe